Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Before i get into what is Hittu let me give you all an insight on ugadi.Ugadi or Samsar Padava is the new year day of Hindu lunar calendar .Ugadi is derived from the words Yuga Aadi (Yuga + Aadi meaning "Beginning of New era"). According to Bramha Purana, Lord Brahma started creation on this day - Chaitra shuddha padhyami or the Ugadi day. It also commemorate the victory of Rama over Vali, a South Indian King. While it is called Ugadi in A.P. and Karnataka, in Maharashtra it is known as "Gudipadava" and as Samsar Padava by Kerala GSBs. With this day begins the new season, the spring.

Hittu is always associated with ugadi/samsar padava.It is on this very special day that it is prepared and served along with sambar or chutney and kellya ambat which i had previously posted.Hittu is same as idli the difference being the addition of few ingredients into the idli batter and finally comes the special difference.It is prepared in a kholli which is made of jackfruit leaves.You will understand it better when you see the step by step instructions below on how a kholli is made.

Hittu when steamed in a kholli is softer than a idli and continues to remain soft for another 2 days or so in it.It will also have the flavor of the jackfruit leaves in it.Its really delicious.

I prepared mine in small bowls as the availability of jackfruit leaves in usa is nil.So the photos you all see here is the Hittu prepared in my house back in India as that is the traditional way. All help and support rendered by my parents to make this post a success!!!


Idli batter
cumin seeds
green chillies
(Amount of all the 3 ingredients depends on the quantity of batter you have on hand.You can add it to your taste)


Coarsely grind all the 3 ingredients and add it to the batter.If you like you can also add chopped curry leaves.Nicely mix it into the batter.


THINGS NEEDED:- Jackfruit leaves and tooth pick.

Take 2 leaves and turn it so that the back side is facing up.Then overlap a small portion of the pointy end of both the leaves and stitch it using a tooth piack as shown in the pic above.

Then overlap 2 more each on either side perpendicular to the first 2 leaves.See the pic above.

Then lift the loose end of 2 consecutive leaves ,overlap and stitch it.similarly join the remaining 2 leaves to each other and also to the other leaf next to it such that it forms a shape of a tumbler like shown below.

Now cut off the projecting stem of 3 leaves keeping 1 uncut.

Pour the batter into the kholli half way through and steam it for 15-20 mins.

Serve hot with sambar or chutney.


  1. A very informative read. And loved the picture of making them

  2. Happy Ugadi to u too Ranji. Thanks for the step-by-step illustration of Hittu.


  3. Thats a lovely post with all the description with pics:) ur mom and dad have done a really good job sending these pics, and thanks a lot to you for posting:) very informative, I too learned a lot seeing the way the hitto kholli is prepared :)

  4. Happy Ugadi/samsar padvo to you. We call hittu as Khotte. & I just love it. It was very nice of your parents to take the pictures. Looks so delicious. Drooling!!:-)

  5. happy ugadi ranji:))love these

  6. Happy Ugadi dear. A very nice post, we have few jackfruit trees nearby, will try it.

  7. Nice step-by-step pics. Happy ugadi

  8. Nice pics Ranji..Feel like eating hittoos now now now!!Great post!!

  9. Happy Ugadi Ranji and we do this Idli in banana leaf which is called moode

  10. Never heard before but it is lovely to see step by step pict. Happy Ugadi.

  11. Anonymous11:50 AM EDT

    Step by step presentation makes it so easy to follow ranji. Happy ugadi to you too.

  12. HAppy Ugadi! I was really very nice of ur Mom to take pictures and show the method ofmaking kholli!

  13. wonderful post ranji ,love the step by step pics

  14. hi all thank u for the lovely comments...i am happy i could share one of my traditional festive dish with u all and really good to know what its called in other places....thank u all...

  15. Very nice entry rajni, never heard abt it. looks very good:))

  16. My MIL makes this too! Thanks for the pictorial instructions!!

  17. we call this Khotto
