Portabello mushroom - 2 large size
pasta sauce- any store bought
shredded mozarella- i used fat free version
parmasan cheese
salt and pepper
(There is no particular measurement for the amount of sauce and cheese used as you can add more or less to your choice)
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 deg F.Clean the mushroom caps using a damp towel.Remove the stem of the mushroom.Season the cavity with salt and pepper.Fill it with pasta sauce .Then top it with mozarella cheese followed by parmasan cheese.Bake for 15-20 mins or until the cheese gets brown.Let it rest for 10 mins before eating it.
Clean the asparagus and apply some oil on it.Season with salt and pepper.Bake it at the same temperature for 20-25 mins or until its tender and brown.Switch off the oven and let it rest for 5 mins before taking it out.
Arrange it on a plate and serve the baked mushroom on top of it.
NOTE:-While baking ,the mushroom oozed out plenty of water so i recommend baking it on a rack keeping an oven proof bowl or tray underneath to collect the water or as soon as its done baking , remove it from the oven, lift it and keep it on a paper towel for 10 to 15 mins. Suganya was really helpful in pointing out that the water oozed out because i filled the sauce till the brim.So i recommend not to do that.Fill only half way through)

Bloggers who tried out this recipe:-
Suma of suma's cuisine