This wonderful yummy blog award was started and presented to me by my very good friend and an excellent cook Roopa.This is my first award that i received from a fellow blogger.So this is very special and it means a lot to me.Thank you so much roopa.
As Roopa says "Yummy blog award is the award given to the blog with most yummy recipes/photos".
As per the rules i have to quote my favorite yummy-licious dessert that i ever prepared/eaten and also pass on this excellent award to 4 other bloggers of my choice.For other rules please click on the the hyperlink above.
My favorite desserts
Banana halwa - This halwa is unlike any other halwa i have ever eaten.A very simple and easy dessert that can lift up one's mood and energy.
chocolate truffle - When one's talking about their favorite dessert how they can they miss mentioning chocolate.Truffles are my favorite among all the chocolates i have eaten.Truffles can practically wake me up from my sleep at any time.
These are my 2 favorite desserts that i love and prepared.
Now i pass on this award to
Mansi of Fun and Food
Happy Cook of My kitchen treasures
Divya of Easycooking
Deeba of Passionate about baking...and beyond
Congrats girls on ur well deserved awards!!!!
CONGRATS on your first award Ranji; it's a very special one! Thank you for passing it on to me too...I am absolutely HONOURED!! That is really so nice of you. This has got to be my lucky month...GRACIAS my friend!!
hey Ranji! congrats on your first award..its always so special and well-deserved.....thanks so much for passing on the lovely award...I'm very grateful girl:) keep up the good work!
Hi ranji,first let me congratulate you on your first award.Thanks so much for passing it to me!!
Hi Ranji, Congrats on the award ! You deserved it:)
Congratulations on the award.
Congratulations on the award.
Congratulations on the award.
congrats ranji!u tuely deserve this one:))enjoy
Congratulations Ranji, u deserve it:))
Congratulation Ranji, very happy to know that.
Congrats Ranji,U deserve it
Congratulations on your award
congrats on the award.
congratulations, yummy girl :-)
congrats dear
I've tagged you for a meme. Check out my blog. Please do it only if you're interested.
Thank u so much for ur constant support and encouragement.
Ranji I am so HAPPY that you thought about me when you passed over the award.
I will post it when I am baack by the end of may.
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